Thursday, 10 April 2014

Naming of the School Houses

What a fantastic response to our on-line survey for naming our school houses.

Incredibly there was a total of 239 responses - thank you to everyone who voted for taking part.

The results for the 4 options offered were close!

Prominent New Zealanders - 49 responses - 20.5%

Native Trees - 71 responses - 29.7%

Native Birds - 56 responses - 23.4%

Local Connections - 63 responses - 26.4%

Therefore our School Houses are named as Native Trees:

Blue - Kahikatea

Green - Totara

Orange - Kauri

Yellow - Rimu

Year 7 & 8 Art and Leadership Camp

To find out all about the annual Tall Poppy Art and Leadership Camp -
please visit: