Thursday, 10 December 2015

Survey - 'Captain Shmook and his Chook'

We are interested in your feedback regarding our recent school production.

Please  Click Here or go to the link on the front page of the school website to share your thinking
via 2 survey questions. 

Tuesday, 8 December 2015

GOBSMACKED - Photo Orders - Last Day Friday

Photos from our recent production - Captain Shmook and his Chook are still available for purchase.
Last day for orders is Friday the 11th of December.

Class photos are in a clearfile and can be viewed in the school office.
Please note: all payments must be made online directly to Gobsmacked.

You can also visit to view more incredible photos -
these can be ordered and downloaded online.

Monday, 7 December 2015


Tuesday 8th December
Water Day for all students - bring your togs, towel, sunhat and a rash vest if you have one.
Fun activities all with a splash of water!
Don't forget to bring some money for the PTA Special Stall at lunchtime - sausage sizzle, ice creams..

Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Captain Shmook and his Chook... it's something worth seeing...

An awesome first performance tonight!!

There are still a few tickets available for the Thursday show @ 7pm.
These can be ordered through the school office by 9.30am Thursday morning.
There will be some cash door sales on the night.

The matinee runs from 12.30pm tomorrow (Thursday) - cash door sales only for this performance.

See you there!

Sunday, 15 November 2015

School Production - newsletter home today

The Production is fast approaching...
All students have brought home a newsletter today - 
please check book bags or visit our school website for details.

Thanks to our School Production Gold Sponsor - 
Sharp NZ for their generous support.

Tuesday, 10 November 2015

School Production - 2 weeks to go...

School Production - Tickets...

Our School Production is getting closer...
have you purchased your tickets yet for the evening shows?

Wednesday the 25th & Thursday the 26th of November - 7pm

Click on the Production link on the front page of the school website for details.

A huge thank you to Emma Graham who is processing the ticket orders each day.
You are a star!

Sunday, 8 November 2015

Congratulations to our Star Students!

Well done to the following students who recently received awards at Friday assemblies:
Stars of the Week

Principal's Awards

  Well Done! You are all wonderful and we are very proud.

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

School Production Update

3 newsletters about the production have gone home today with students -
please check book bags and do remember to visit the link on the our School Production
that has regular updates  / photos showing our progress
as we work towards the performances in  Week 7.

Get Reading and Eat Pizza...

A reminder that this reading challenge for students in Years 3 - 8 continues until the 4th of December. Several students have completed full pizzas, have scored their free pizza and are now onto the next wheel.
How are you going with your pizza wheel?

Monday, 2 November 2015

PTA Gala Update

PTA Gala Update
Wow! $21,000! That’s fantastic!
Thank you so much to all those that came along to the Gala and help raise such a huge amount of money! This year the PTA set out to raise $30,000 towards the library refurbishment and between the Quiz night held earlier in the year and the Gala we are pretty close to hitting this mark!
Thank you to all those that helped as volunteers and to all those that provided sponsorship. The event would not have been anywhere near as successful if it wasn’t for all the donations, sponsorship and help provided – so a great big thank you to you all.
A new families meeting is going to be held on Monday 16th November (at 7pm) for all families that have started school recently.   It is a great opportunity for new families to come to meet other new families over a drink and nibbles and to hear from the PTA, the Board of Trustees and our school principal on matters of interest to those new to Tauriko School.
Just a reminder from earlier in the year, for those that might be house hunting over the summer months, keep in mind that both ANZ and Julie Williams of LJ Hooker are sponsors of Tauriko School and if you purchase a new home through Julie Williams, or take out a new mortgage with ANZ, Tauriko School benefits by receiving financial contributions of between $200 and $400, which will go towards items such as sporting equipment or computers.  
Enjoy the rest of a great looking Term 4 J
Jolene Nelson
PTA Chairperson

Production Update

Captain Shmook and his Chook..

Newsletter Number 2 came home yesterday about the upcoming school production.

Please visit the school website for regular updates or click here:


Sunday, 18 October 2015

Curriculum Connections Meeting this Thursday


Curriculum Connections Meeting this Thursday @ 5pm
Focus: Literacy and Mathematics

Bring along your children and they can take part in the
'Rewired' Session with Sandy Bornholdt...

Please RSVP to Lisa Rose
See you there:)

Tuesday, 22 September 2015

More Success for Ripeka!

Ripeka represented the Central Zone at last week's Year 7 & 8 Inter-school Speech Competition held at Omokoroa No 1 School. Students came from far and wide to compete. The speeches were all of a very high standard in each section. We are thrilled to announce that one of our Tall Poppies -  Ripeka -  won the Year 7 competition with her speech about attitudes! What a brilliant result, Ripeka. You made us all so proud. A special thank you to the coordinators and judges for all of their work.

Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Reminder - Curriculum Connections Meeting - Thursday @ 5pm

Buddy Reading and Bookmarks - the joys of Book Week...

Book Week is in full swing.
Reminder for Thursday - 'Blokes and books', Fush 'n' Chups', Character Parade at 9am, Granparents and Visitors Day from 9am, Milo and Marshmallows from 5-6pm in the PAC.
Reminder for Friday - School Council PJ and Popcorn event at 12.40pm

Monday, 14 September 2015


BOOK WEEK has washed up and so has the annual Book Fair 
which is on display in the music room located off the Performing Arts Centre.
Come along and see what is on offer... this year there is an 'Under the Sea' theme... come and get caught by a good book or two!

Friday, 11 September 2015

Assembly Awards

Congratulations to our Stars of the Week. You are wonderful examples of students displaying excellence:

...and whilst we are on the subject of excellence, here are this week's recipients of Principals Awards:

Well done to each and very one of you. You rock!

Olympic Medals

Olympic Values Medals

This week we were proud to present three of our Tall Poppies with gold, silver and bronze medals. All of our students did us proud at Sports Camp, however we were on the lookout all week for the three students we thought best displayed the Olympic Values. These values are:

Joy of Effort: Young people who develop and practice physical, behavioural and intellectual skills by challenging themselves and each other in physical activities, movement, games and sport.

Fair Play: Fair play is a sports concept, but it is applied worldwide today in many different ways. Learning fair play behaviour in sport can lead to the development and reinforcement of fair play behaviour in the community and in life.

Respect for Others: When young people who live in a multicultural world learn to accept and respect diversity and practice personal peaceful behaviour, they promote peace and international understanding.

Pursuit of Excellence: A focus on excellence can help young people to make positive, healthy choices, and strive to become the best that they can be in whatever they do.

Balance Between Body, Mind and Character: Learning takes place in the whole body, not just in the mind, and physical literacy and learning through movement contributes to the development of both moral and intellectual learning. This concept is the foundation for the revival of the Modern Olympic Games.

Mrs Logan, Mr Rikiriki, Mrs Taylor and Mrs Te Whaiti were unanimous in their choices for each of the medals. There are other students in the Tall Poppies who also meet these criteria at times, however these three students were the most consistent throughout the week at Sports Camp and in the lead up to it.

Congratulations to Jessica who received the GOLD, Arohaina the SILVER and Hannah the BRONZE.

Thursday, 10 September 2015

More Success!

This week Sofia represented Tauriko School at the West Cluster speech competition. We are thrilled to announce that she came second. Well done, Sofia. You are a star!

Tuesday, 8 September 2015

Monday, 7 September 2015

Choir Performance

Our choir was once again amazing at Baycourt Theatre last Tuesday night. We participated in the Celebration of 60 years of the choral festival in Tauranga. We looked amazing and a big thank you must go to Mrs Taylor for her help with our costumes. Genna Ruck performed a stunning solo and our group performance of the Beatles hit ‘Get by with a little help from a friend’ was fantasic. Well done team!

Tauriko School 'Curriculum Connections' Meeting

Tall Poppies Open Day & Info Evening

We look forward to seeing parents of our current year 6 students on 16th September. Please feel free to pass this information to anyone you think might be interested in seeing and hearing what Tauriko School has to offer year 7 & 8 students in the Tall Poppies class.

Sunday, 6 September 2015

Overall House Points

After our school speech finals those House Points have been added to the totals for 2015.