WOW Expo 2016
Across the school all classes have been working on wearable art exhibits as part of their Visual Arts / Inquiry learning.
On Thursday the 1st of December there will be a WOW Expo in the Tauriko Hall whereby students wear and parade their wearable art piece(s). Incredible time and effort has gone into each and every creation. All students from Years 1 - 8 are involved in the Expo with each class having their time in the spotlight!
All families, whanau and wider community are invited to attend either the afternoon or evening WOW Expo.
There is a matinee that starts at 12.30pm and an evening Expo that starts at 6pm. We would like all students to be at school by 5.40pm on the Thursday evening so they can prepare themselves in their classrooms. Students will be supervised by their teachers in their classes for the duration of each show.
Please pick up your child from their classroom at the conclusion of the evening parade. (Estimated timeframe is 1.5 hours).
Please park in the paddock adjacent to the school - follow the signs. A huge thank you to the Hopping Family for the use of their paddock.
There are amazing exhibits that we can't wait to see students wear, we look forward to seeing you there.