Thursday, 3 August 2017

CCC - Creative Community Curriculum

CCC kicks off with a rush and a roar...
from rockets to mosaics to cake decorating to movie-making... to name but a few!

Thursday, 6 July 2017

Tall Poppy Team takes out the Grand Final of EPro8!

Over the past few weeks several groups of Tall Poppies have been competing in the EPro8 Challenge. This competition sees Intermediate Schools competing against one another to find the best of the best of the nations' problem solving innovators!

One of our teams made it right through to the Bay of Plenty Grand Final and...they WON!

We are so very proud of Luka, Kelly, Felix and Jess, all Year 8 students in our Tall Poppy class. This team has displayed excellent teamwork throughout the competition. They worked together really well to innovate and problem solve.

Tight competition!
There was tight competition in the Grand Final with some strong efforts other schools like JPC and Bethlehem College.

First place goes to... Tauriko Smurfs!

Congratulations Jess, Felix, Kelly and Luka. We are so very, very, very proud of you!

Moving and Grooving into the Holidays...

 Check out these disco pics... weird and wacky...

Leadership Assembly... a few pics...

Congratulations to Jessica Hayman
  this year's recipient of the Sir Peter Blake Leadership Award at our annual Leadership Assembly today - a huge achievement and one to be very proud of.  Thanks to Steve Boocock from Westpac Bank for presenting this award to Jessica.

Congratulations to the students from each class who were recognised
for their leadership qualities.
The following students were presented with a Leadership Certificate:

Wednesday, 5 July 2017

Workshops with Mr Rikiriki

Dynamos, House Captains, School Council and Class Reps were given the opportunity to be involved in a variety of challenges this afternoon...
Thanks Mr Rikiriki for leading these cool sessions:)

Morning Tea Time with our House Captains...

From Tug-of-War to was fun!!