Sunday, 19 February 2017

Receipts for Schools Competition

More FM together with Tauriko Pak n Save are running a competition called
'Receipts for Schools'
whereby Tauriko School could win CASH!

There are only 11 surrounding schools involved and our school is one of them! 
The top five schools with the most receipts will win a share of $7,500 cash donated by
Tauriko Pak n Save, at The Lakes.

Every time people shop in store at Tauriko Pak n Save if they drop their receipt in the entry box for
Tauriko School we could be in to win!!

This competition starts on February 27th and runs for 3 weeks - with the live draw on More FM on 17th March - Lucky St Patrick's Day! 
So, spread the word within our school community so we can get as many receipts as possible dropped into our box - for our chance to win!

Thanks More FM and Tauriko Pak n Save for this awesome opportunity!