Thursday, 30 March 2017

Whole School Swimming Sports 2017

What an amazing swimming sports we had on Friday the 17th of March. It was so great to see all the children participating and celebrating the great success they have had in swimming this year. Thank you to the wonderful parents who offered to help during the day we couldn't run these events with out you. Below are the competitive swimmers results and the winning house group for the day. 

Congratulations to Totara House for winning the swimming sports shield. 

Thursday, 23 March 2017

Winter Sports @ Tauriko

A Winter Sports newsletter will be coming home in school bags today. If you would like to register your child for a winter sport @ Tauriko School please visit the school website and click on the Sports Registration button (

Wednesday, 15 March 2017

Keeping Ourselves Safe

As part of our Health and PE curriculum all students are going to be involved in the learning programme 'Keeping Ourselves Safe'.

Constable Emma Buxton from the NZ Police will be working with staff and classes. 
Constable Emma is holding a parent meeting at which she will talk about the educational modules for KOS and why they are taught. This is a great opportunity for parents to ask questions about the programme.  
This parent meeting will be held from 1.30pm – 2.15pm on Wednesday the 22nd of March in the staffroom. 
If you are interested in attending this meeting with Constable Emma, please RSVP to Lisa Rose by 
Monday the 20th of March –
Alternatively if you have a question you would like answered and you are unable to make the parent meeting, then please email the question to me (Lisa) and I will liaise with Constable Emma and get back to you.