Monday 15 August 2016

International Day - Sharing Time...


  1. Ava - It was cool seeing all of the classes learning lots about countries.
    Micah - It looked really cool but I wasn't there and I was glad to be able to see it.
    Jorja - I like how Room 4 made windmills and hats and minature windmills.
    Asher - I really liked how they put all the thought in.
    Bella - Room 6 was really cool because they made masks.
    Zurich - I really like the way you put lots of thought into the video.

  2. What an awesome day it was! Great to see all the children dressed up and celebrating so many different cultures.

  3. I loved international day because I liked seeing all the different classes learning about all the different countries and making dances to go with it!
